Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Michael Beckwith, Archbishop Tutu, & Basketball?

Written last night...Randy, my husband, and I just got home from Michael Beckwith lecture. WOW x 10. I met him, gave him my Humanity's Team (HT) card, and had written an invitation for him to join us in South Africa for the Oneness Summit...adding that I was coming from area of possibility. He was gracious, didn't say yes or no, but put the business card with the information about Oneness Summit in his pocket.

Beckwith told us about the time he spent with Tutu last summer regarding a conference on slavery. While together, Beckwith & Tutu had joked about favorite basketball Teams as Tutu was wearing a Boston Celtics shirt (I'm not much into basketball--not only did Randy have to remind me of the teams, but also of the sport...I thought they were talking baseball...). Beckwith let Tutu know that that the Boston Celtics were not his team. Tutu let Beckwith know that the Boston Celtics were HIS team. Someone took their picture (with Tutu in his basketball shirt) and when Beckwith returned to the states, he photoshopped the picture and dressed Tutu in a LA Lakers shirt and sent it back to the Archbishop. Pretty funny.

Beckwith signed my book, namaste and we left...about five minutes spent with him. Just another day in paradise...He's unbelievably inspiring...gospel style delivery, interactive, but all about Oneness and making our world a better place. Very compelling and tremendous command performance. If the Agape Spiritual Center was here, I'd go to it--talk about raising your energy level! We were in 2nd row. Beckwith's granddaughter (9 years old), was sitting right behind us. Because of interactivity and being asked to HI 5 the people around us several times, I HI 5'd his granddaughter several times. Didn't know she was his granddaughter until end of the event. I'm very glad Randy and I went.

I did some looking around on the Internet for photo of Tutu wearing this shirt, but to no avail. Instead I found this short article about why Boston Celtics use the South African term Ubuntu, which means "I am because of you." This is something that Tutu speaks about often.

BOSTON, Mass. - June 10, 2008 - Sports quiz time. Can you name the Boston Celtics' new rallying cry? It's something the team chants...not the fans . . . (click on text to read full article).

Who knew?

Five days left until I begin my travels. Must get organized.


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